Outstanding Service-Learning Teachers of 2011

Teacher Chen, Li-Yu,
Department of Interior Design

Teacher Chen has been devoted to caring the disadvantaged groups and providing professional services to social public welfare groups permanently and responsible for providing Jing Chuan Child Safety Foundation with the counseling, planning and design services for the environmental safety of playgrounds, and also participated in preparation of the child safety handbook and design of various teaching plans. In order to expand the range of participation and depth of service, Teacher Chen has led the students of Department of Interior Design to engage in the project about the aboriginal tribe in Fuxing Township in the recent years. They utilized idle spaces or classrooms to design, renovate and personally construct the tribe’s hope classroom and story castle. Working with the military instructor of Counseling Center, the Office of Student Affairs, Ai, Chang-Ming, Teacher Chen gathered the faculty and students of Department of Information Management and students of Ching-Yun University to do what they are good at and form the interdisciplinary service group, and integrated the personal power as the group’s resources, completed multiple tribes’ and schools’ spaces successively, and fulfilled the spirit of local services. As a result, Teacher Chen was awarded the National Youth Contribution Award (participation in public affairs) in 2011. Meanwhile, Teacher Chen also participated in the overseas volunteer project for Cambodia with enthusiasm and led CYCU volunteers to share what they saw and learned with CYCU students, who encouraged his partners based on his own service experience to engage in the service learning altogether. Teacher Chen believes in “To make others moved, you must first learn to make yourself moved”, as more people will be moved to devote themselves only if we do it at first!

Teacher Wang, Ju-Yu,
Department of Business Administration

Since the school year of 2007, with the efforts by Teacher Chang, Tao-Pen of Department of Commercial Design and Teacher Ting Pei-Yuan of Department of Business Administration, the nation-wide first interdisciplinary advertisement design and marketing planning professional service learning courses have been organized. Teacher Wang joined the group to provide his profession in the area of marketing and planning. The interdisciplinary group practiced CYCU Holistic Education by providing professional services to NPO, and enabled the students attending the courses to generate the experience in managing an important interdisciplinary professional group. During the courses, the students majored in business administration preferring logical thinking and the students majored in commercial design valuing intuitive thinking had the experience in interacting with each other about service learning and practices for more than 8 months and also in the interdisciplinary communication and integration.The interdisciplinary group instructed by Teacher Wang have won multiple honors by the CYCU Holistic Caring Award each year. Meanwhile, by working with NPO to present the service results, the NPO and interdisciplinary group had the chance to be exposed by more than 20 media both in the school years of 2009 and 2010. As a result, the outsiders may further know about the NPO and also realize the permanent efforts and results of CYCU in service learning.

Teacher Li, Chun-Yao,
Department of Electrical Engineering

The “Holistic Education” is used to be the core value upheld by CYCU, while the “service learning” refers to an important step for CYCU to practice the Holistic Education. With the support from CYCU and Service Learning Center, Teacher Li has encouraged his students to form the “Fighting for Electricity Bill” group for three years consecutively to execute the various steps one by one, including solicitation for NPO, on-site survey on service recipients, discussion about electricity saving planning, site measurement, self-introspection and presentation of results, in order to strengthen the students’ correct value and dedicated & respectful attitude. The students of Department of Electrical Engineering not only practiced the theories learned by them in real life but also took initiative to care the society personally, and grew and transform accordingly. A lot of CYCU teachers and seniors who are dedicated to service learning are very glad to provide the students with the chance to learn “Love and Care”. Teacher Li is glad and also honored to learn and grow with students in such excellent holistic education environment.

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