Introduce our team in one sentence
Change the future of children in Cambodia through English!
Our service location
A village adjacent to the world heritage site of Angkor Wat in Cambodia
Our service recipients
Senior high school and elementary students of Siem Reap in Cambodia
Our service objective
Demonstrate that “one plus one can be greater than two”
The English Seed Teacher Workshop has been organized to train senior high school students of disadvantaged families supported by the Cambodia Development Organization KAKO in order to allow them to learn English teaching skills and to lead activities. In addition, English Class for Village Children is also established, allowing them to continue to use English after the workshop, for which living expense subsidies are provided and the learning environment is improved at the same time.
English Class for Village Children has been opened, allowing children of rural areas to learn English through games in order further develop their English abilities and interest in learning in the hope of reducing the learning gap of children at rural areas!