(Central Taiwan) Lukang Old House Expert Recruits CYCU Students for Learning by Doing

(Central Taiwan) Lukang Old House Expert Recruits CYCU Students for Learning by Doing

The old house expert, Hsu Shu-Chi, led the “CYCU Workshop” students to do seam filling of old brick walls with cement. (Photographed by Reporter Liu Hsiao-Hsin)

[Reporter Liu Hsiao-Hsin/News of Lukang] Preservation of old houses is used to being the topic and focus in Lukang Township. The “CYCU Workshop” students were attracted by the “old house expert”, Hsu Shu-Chi, to learn how to renovate old houses.The student, Lu Chong-An, indicated that the practices about preservation of old houses connected with the theories he learned from the class very well.

Hsu Shu-Chi, who set the goal to “renovate one hundred of old houses”, reveals that he is renovating the old house situated at Jinsheng Lane. The old house is aged for over two hundred years, occupying an areas of about 40 pings. It has been renovated for once about thirty years ago. The house owner plans to keep the old house’s presence, and promises to work with him immediately.

Hsu Shu-Chi, who doesn’t think that old houses in Lukang should be left wasted, highlights that these old houses should be activated and renovated, and that is the way to treat these old houses fairly. He believes that the private renovation project provides more flexible services, as it resolves the problems about leakage and structure and also installs washrooms on the vacant land outside the main structure based on the need for modern life advocated by “Old House, New Life”. He is also glad to share the way to renovate old houses with teachers.

Director Chen Wen-Pin, who spares no efforts to care old houses, said that after the renovation is completed, the old house will serve as a humanistic environment education center and also the Private Promotion Center of Lukang National Scenic Park. He is very happy to see that old houses are kept and activated by renovation and the soul of old houses is found back.

Assistant Professor Chou Jung-Chun, who led the students of CYCU Department of Landscape Architecture from the “CYCU Workshop”, indicated that he organized the “environmental experience” course workshop in hopes of combining theories by practical experience.

Source: http://news.ltn.com.tw/news/local/paper/976440

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