Fold Into Your Heart

Fold Into Your Heart

Summarization of CYCU Service Learning Team in the school year of 2016 – for groups

Team Name

Fold Into Your Heart

Service Recipient

FOLDnFOLD Engreeneering Co., Ltd.

Service Hours

A total of 2600 hours

(Team members x service hours per member)

Term of Service

September 1, 2016~June 1, 2017

Number of service recipients

About 2 persons

Motive of Service

Our daily life is full of various disposable cups. The FoFoCup is created in order to reduce the pollution caused to the earth. By upholding the philosophy implied behind the FoFoCup, we hope to enable more people to understand what the earth is dealing with now.

Summary of Service

After the face-to-face discussion with the founder, we understand the public knowledge about the FoFoCup, and work with the students from Department of Electronic Engineering, Department of Business Administration and Department of Commercial Design to apply what they learned to the promotional plan.

Mode of Service

Department of Business Administration is responsible for drafting and executing the proposal for promotion of the FoFoCup

Department of Electronic Engineering is responsible for helping set up the new website of FOLDnFOLD Engreeneering Co., Ltd.

Department of Commercial Design is responsible for producing the new packaging design, the short notes about the cup recycling issue, and the corporate LOGO design

Effect of Service

The notes are shared on the FB fan club and then re-posted for 600 times

We post the articles for the new knowledge about environmental protection each week, and the fans giving a like increase accordingly

The new packaging design is intended to reduce more glue and plastic film

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